Material Concerns: An All-Team Holiday Bonanza & Wicked Part I
As chaotic as the title suggests, this episode features our Witch, Please Productions team on mic!

Wicked x Paratexts with Leena Norms
In this episode Hannah and Marcelle are joined by the wonderful author, Youtuber and internet busybody, Leena Norms, to discuss this year's blockbuster— and the paratexts surrounding it.

Material Concerns: Golden Girls, All-Inclusive Resorts, and Coach's Birthday Pt. I
Welcome back to Material Concerns! In this episode, Marcelle and Hannah answer your questions. They talk Golden Girls, Friends, All-Inclusive Resorts, and Coach's Birthday!

The Golden Girls x Sex Positivity with Marshall Watson
Beloved friend of the pod and The Golden Girls super fan, Marshall Watson (he/him), joins Hannah and Marcelle on this episode to talk about the progressive politics of show, the social issues that were at the center of its stories, and the reason(s) many queer kids, Marshall included, found comedy, representation, and hope from "four old queens" in the late 80s and 90s.

Material Concerns: Connections, Stolen iPads, and Genre Conventions Pt. I
Welcome back to Material Concerns! In this episode, Marcelle and Hannah answer your questions. They talk phone games, the Witch, Please team as different types of witches, genre conventions and Twin Peaks!

Twin Peaks x Cult Television
In honor of spooky season, we bring you an episode about the beloved cult classic, Twin Peaks! This show from Mark Frost and David Lynch, starring Kyle MacLachlan, is widely understood as one of the most influential television series ever!

Material Concerns: Dopamine Pt. I
Thank you for your questions about dopamine, dinosaurs and cats! In part one of this Material Concerns episode, we also launch a new segment called "Make It Make Sense" where Hannah and Marcelle rely on no research to guess why certain things are popular!

Dopamine x Health Capitalism with Jesse Meadows
We're joined by Jesse Meadows (they/them) to discuss the most zeitgeist-y neurotransmitter around: dopamine!

Material Concerns: Jurassic Park Pt. I
You had so many great questions about Hannah's forthcoming book, Clever Girl and our Jurassic Park episode all about spectacle —and we answer a lot of them in part one of this Material Concerns episode! As a reminder, for just $5 USD/month you'll get part two, our extensive backlog, ad-free episodes, and oh so much more!

Jurassic Park x Spectacle
Hannah and Marcelle discuss what made Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park (1993) the ultimate CGI summer blockbuster, the history of American spectacle, and the monstrosity of the movie's out-of-control lady dinosaurs!

The Last of Us x Adaptation Theory
In this episode, we're talking about the HBO series The Last of Us, which was adapted from the popular video game of the same name!

Dirty Dancing x Nostalgia with Andrea Warner
In this episode, Marcelle and Hannah are joined by Andrea Warner (she/her), the author of The Time of My Life, an exploration of Dirty Dancing as a deeply feminist film.

Making Worlds Preview: Dimension 20 with Lucia Lorenzi and Clare Mulcahy
Material Girls is on Spring Break! But don't fret! We unlocked an episode of Making Worlds, our Patreon-exclusive video podcast hosted by Hannah McGregor.
Making Worlds is dedicated to the liberatory possibilities of other worlds!