Avril Lavigne's Clone "Melissa" x Social Surveillance with Cristen Conger
In this week's episode, we’re talking about the conspiracy theory that Canadian pop punk icon Avril Lavigne died and was replaced by a body double named Melissa. You heard us right! To help navigate the mess of this theory, we have an esteemed guest, Cristen Conger (she/her), who is deep in conspiracy discourse. Cristen is the cofounder of Unladylike Media, author of the book Unladylike: A Field Guide to Smashing the Patriarchy and Claiming Your Space and the host of the new breakout hit podcast Conspiracy, She Wrote. We absolutely love Cristen, her podcast and her perspective on how conspiracy theories begin, mutate, crawl into various corners of the internet and influence our relationship to what is real. Tune in for a discussion about Avril Lavigne's rise to popularity, the popular replacement theory, our cultural relationship to celebrity women's bodies and privacy, and so much more.
For more Cristen, check out Conspiracy, She Wrote! Follow her on Instagram @cristenconger and check out her website: https://cristenconger.com/