The Notebook x Melodrama with Vanessa Zoltan

She's back! Beloved podcaster and author Vanessa Zoltan (she/her) joins Hannah and Marcelle to dig into one of the most famous "weepies" of the 21st century: The Notebook (2004). If you cry at the line "If you're a bird, I'm a bird," have the phrase "What do you want?" ringing in your head, or regularly view the 2005 MTV Movie Award for Best Kiss, then this episode is for you. Hannah first contextualizes The Notebook in early aughts America (think post 9/11 conservative politics) and Vanessa offers some info about Nicholas Sparks, author of The Notebook. They then jump into a theory section all about melodrama! You may be familiar with the concept — perhaps you've even accused a friend or family member of being melodramatic — but can you really define it? What about the idea of "a Melodrama of Failure?" Hannah turns to Elisabeth Robin Anker’s book, Orgies of Feeling: Melodrama and the Politics of Freedom, to bolster her thesis and the episode ends with a conversation about the relationship between the American Dream, sovereignty, Christian conservatism and heterosexuality.

If you have thoughts, questions or comments, submit them over Instagram for our next Material Concerns episode!

For more Vanessa, check out Hot & Bothered, the podcast she co-hosts with Hannah McGregor all about romantic films. You can also listen to her new show Let's Ask Taylor Swift anywhere you get your pods.


Material Concerns: The Notebook, Camp, and Ryan Gosling's Charisma Pt. I


Material Concerns: Emotional Support Canadians Pt. 1