Avatar X Hypermediacy

Did you love James Cameron's Avatar upon its release in 2009? Have you since watched it and thought, huh, now what were we thinking 14 years ago? Were you critical of it from the start? Baffled by the public's interest in colonialism and hot blue aliens? Then this episode is for you.

Tune in for a conversation about this beloved sci-fi blockbuster. Hannah leads Marcelle talk colonialism, sexism, marketing budgets and how the interests of white dude billionaires drives our reality. Together, they discuss Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin’s iconic 2000 book Remediation: Understanding New Media to better understand hypermediacy's role in this film's success. Ultimately, Hannah comes to some BIG conclusions about this movie and it's lasting impact on not just the zeitgeist, but also our literal planet earth. That's right! There are some pretty devastating ecological impacts of CGI and VFX — and in case you were wondering, yes, this episode is also a lesson on irony!


Patreon Preview: Avatar Pt. 1


Goblin Mode x the Abject with McKayla Coyle