Appendix: The Witch, Please Wrap Up

Well Witches... we're here, at the end of Witch, Please the podcast. If you've been following us on Instagram, then you know that we are so grateful for the last eight seasons AND we're so excited for our new flagship show: Material Girls, a scholarly podcast about popular culture.

You'll notice that, much like our usual Wrap Up episodes, this final episode is pure chaos. We were lucky enough to record this final Witch, Please episode in person which means what we lack in sound quality and coherence, we (hopefully) make up for in glee and games. Tune in for the giggles, stay for the Devastating Fun Facts™ and listen to the very end for a blooper Coach decided to keep in.

We hope this is a fun episode for you but fear not, we'll be back in two weeks with **serious theory** in our pilot episode of Material Girls. And heads up! We're keeping our Witch, Please feed, so stay subscribed to be notified when Material Girls drops! If you're wondering about our other show, Gender Playground, you can head over to to learn more.

AND if you want to be a part of this next chapter featuring more perks and more content than ever before, head to to support Witch, Please Productions, feminist media for a radically* inclusive world. We need your support now more than ever!

*f**k terfs we're taking back radical


Appendix: Fan Studies Revisited